My roomate said "I could be 130lbs...if I tried." today.
I laughed. Hard.
She glared at me.
Karma, bitch.
Anyways. I've been unbearably busy lately. It's jury time, kiddos! That's right, the time of the year where are us little art students cram a portfolio today and have our professors chew it to pieces.
Stress=eating; Eating=fat: Stress= fat.
I have been eating nonstop. It's pathetic and rediculous. Fuck you food. Fuck you cravings. You can all die and go to hell. And so can you, juries. And midterms.
Oh- and to top it all off! I have Messiah. Just remembered- I have 100 some odd pages of music to learn. But on the brightside, I got an aria! A short one, but a beautiful, good and well-known one. If you've ever listened to anything from Handel's Messiah, it's probably been this aria. There were shepherds abiding in the field... all that jazz. Youtube it. It's great. May I suggest Sylvia McNair, Robert Shaw-"Messiah" Shepherds Abiding?
Dammit. I hate December. It's too fucking busy.
Love you always,